Before any of you accuse me of partisanship or sales purposes, let me clarify, that I am a hands-on trainer in massage modalities, a Spa consultant, author of many massage training books and also, an Approved Provider for Continuing Education in massage and bodywork, so I can not position myself on one side or the other, because I am a defender of all of them. Each modality has its own audience, moment, budget and target, and when students ask me for advice, I always tell them the same thing, “what works best for you, could be the worst choice for another person, and vice versa”..”so first think about your needs”.

Can online massage courses be dangerous or unsafe?

Yes, of course they can, depending on the person who is doing the training. In the same manner that a massage book can be dangerous too. And nobody questions if I should sell my massage books or if they are useful or not.

Can an online cooking course be dangerous? Yes, it can, if you poison your clients. But many chefs use online courses or books to keep learning new cooking styles, and nobody thinks that this is dangerous. Why? First of all, because they are already professional chefs, and second, because they practice, practice and practice (cook, cook and cook), until the dish is perfectly done, and they receive positive feedback from family, friends, and other colleagues, and because they also have a good criteria about what is a good and a bad dish, and about what could be risky…

Well, in the Wellness and massage industry, something similar happens. If you are already a good professional, a LMT, CMT, PT…, qualified, and you have good skills, then, the online massage course can be your recipe. First you need to learn the theory, and then you need to practice, practice and practice. And because you are already a good professional, with that recipe you will be able to adapt it to your taste, and to your client’s needs, and once you receive praise from your family, friends and colleagues, then, you will be able to put it into practice.

That the best way to learn Tibetan KuNye Massage is to travel to Tibet, and learn from an authentic Tibetan doctor? Of course, no doubt. But this will cost you a lot of money, time and full-time dedication, and some people just do not want to, or are not able to, invest so much. Those who are able to travel, maybe before going to Tibet, want to make sure that they like what they are going to study and prefer to buy some books or online courses about the massage technique, in order to be 100% sure of their future investment. Is that wrong, or dangerous? Not at all…

What, in my opinion, is wrong, is to study an online massage course without having any background knowledge, without any legal diploma, and to think that you are ready to start practicing the massage technique in a professional manner after only 20-30 hours training. This is what is wrong and dangerous!!!



Be open to develop yourself

I always say, “use as many tools as you can, books, hand-outs, online courses, e-conferences, movies, documentaries, hands-on courses, blogs, professional forums, fairs, congresses, lectures, etc., in order to become a better professional, no matter the format or style. Because from everything that surrounds us in this life, we can learn. So do not limit your professional development, and be open to use the wonders of the era of high technology”.

Many people are absolutely against online massage courses, but each day, more and more people use them as a complement to their professional development. What do you think? Are we on the right way, or are we losing the path?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Warm regards,

César Tejedor


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