I once said that sometimes I feel like Bill Murray in The Groundhog Day…unpacking, packing, taxi, airplane, taxi, hotel, unpacking, Spa, training, hotel, packing, taxi, airport, home, unpack, pack…Traveling as much as I do for giving trainings and lectures I guess its normal to feel this way, however, when I travel accompanied by my books, I don´t feel as alone as I otherwise would.  My favorite activity in the world when I am not with my family and friends is reading, and among the things I cherish the most in the world are my books.

That’s why I have decided to share with all of you, not only the books I have read, but also others that are in the queue waiting to be read, and that people I have met around the world have recommended to me. As I am not a literacy critic, I am just going to talk about my preferences and other people´s recommendations. Authors and editors have put a great effort into writing and creating them so I do not see a point of criticizing their work on Massage Around the World´s Blog. Got to be positive and spread good vibes!

This is going to be part of a series of monthly blog posts about a great variety of books. I hope that it will be useful for you, and that you might be motivated to grab one of them and see for yourself. I would also be more than happy if you want to suggest some other books to us. Enjoy yourself and here we go!


The physician by Noah Gordon

A BOOK FOR EVERYONE. The adventures of a child who turns into a doctor. A book that makes you think about the immensity of medicine, about the variety of treatments, about the diversity of opinions and points of view, and about the wealth of being an integrative professional and using different techniques and disciplines. It helps you to understand health as a wider concept, without forgetting that the main mission of this book is to entertain.




Sobotta, A Regional Atlas of the Human Body

A TECHNICAL BOOK. The atlas of human anatomy that every massage therapist must have as a support for his or her professional practice. This is the first book that I myself bought 22 years ago when I undertook my adventure in the world of manual therapies, and since then I have not stopped using it as a consultation book and as a support tool for my students during my courses.



Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

This book helps you to discover the real potential within you, in order to change for the better. For those of you who seek to become a more integrative or holistic therapist, you can use this book also for coaching purposes, as it demonstrates different exercises that you can use with your clients, to help them improve their quality of life.



I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post and I promise you won’t regret trying any of these books. I absolutely love them all. Would you like to share some of your book recommendations with us? What is the latest book you have read that you really enjoyed or found useful?

Happy reading, warm wishes,

César Tejedor