The Tibetan singing bowls are used as preventive, healing, relaxing and meditative instruments that help establishing a healthy vibration in the entire organism. The Singing bowl massage is an exciting way of using sound and vibrations instead of conventional touch to achieve specific effects on the body, mind and spirit.
The Tibetan singing bowls originated around 2400 years ago during the era of Buddha in India, and they were introduced in Tibet between the II and VII centuries A.D. The singing bowls were elaborated by the monks and were often used in the monasteries of the Himalayas during the practice of meditation, with the purpose of obtaining a balance between the body, mind and spirit. As the Singing bowls technique is not included in the University degree of Tibetan medicine nowadays, the study of this ancient treatment method has been set aside to a few masters in the region of the Himalayas.
You could say that the Tibetan Singing bowl massage is a form of sound massage as it makes use of the sound and vibration generated by the bowls. As our body contains a large amount of liquids, the propagation of sound is especially good. As any type of wave, the sound can absorb, reflect, refract and diffract, provoking different effects and consequences on the organism. The frequency (number of vibrations per second) generated by the singing bowl is determined by its diameter, shape and metal density.
The Singing bowl massage can be combined with other disciplines such as aromatherapy, massage, reiki, meditation or yoga, and even with other disciplines of allopathic medicine. The bowls function as energy amplifiers, stabilizing the energy centers (chakras) and harmonizing with them in order to achieve their optimal vibrational tone. Essentially, the purpose of the Singing bowl massage is to create harmony between boddy, mind and spirit.
The nature as well as duration of the massage session is influenced by the know-how and experience of the therapist or practitioner, the treatment philosophy that guides the session (Tibetan medicine, Ayurveda, etc.), the purpose of the session (relaxing, preventive, etc.), the energy that the massage receiver transmits to the therapist, if the session is combined with other techniques or not, etc. However, usually a session ranges from thirty to fifty minutes. This type of massage has a highly relaxing and energetically stabilizing effect that can result in the recipient falling asleep during the session. In many treatments the effects are equally positive, nevertheless, there are treatments in which it is preferible that the recipient is conscious of the vibrational and energy processes he/she is submitted to as the sensations they provoke may be of great help.
Wishing you all a meaningful day ahead,
César Tejedor
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