Are you searching for an all-embracing treatment that would add a holistic flair to your treatment menu and make you stand-out? If so, then take a look at the latest article that I wrote for Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa (American Edition, October 2015), because you just might have found what you were looking for in the Tibetan KuNye massage.
During the last years concepts such as holistic, body, mind & spirit, eco, sustainable, etc., have been introduced into the Spa & wellness terminology. Well-being is understood as something universal and the development of new treatments that cover health in a more complete way are on the rise. But, if we think about it, how many of these Spa treatments are really holistic? How many of them treat the body, the mind and the energy? What makes a Spa treatment truly eco and sustainable? Are all these concepts just marketing terminology related to business rather than wellness? The truth is that not many treatments out there are genuinely holistic, and this is why I want to introduce you to the Tibetan KuNye Massage.
The KuNye massage balances the body and mind, eases pain, relaxes tensions and revitalizes the energy, taking into account the constitution, diet and lifestyle and tailoring each treatment to the specific needs of the client. This wonderful massage is still fairly unexploited outside of Tibet and it’s just about to make its entrée into the Spas, Health Clubs and Wellness Centers all around the world.
If you want to know more about the KuNye Massage and traditional Tibetan Medicine, click here to read the article!
Wishing you a wonderful day,
César Tejedor