Baby Steps Towards A Healthier Life

All beginnings are difficult but it really helps if we charge ourselves with positive energy from the start. And once you take the decision and do it, everything will start falling into place. Take into account that this is not a list of new year resolutions, these...

Wellness Tips For A Splendid Spring

Even though during the last weeks we have lived under a grey sky due to the continuous raining in our region, the signs of spring have started popping up through the earth. From a Chinese medicine standpoint, spring begins to wake up right after Chinese New Year,...

The Massage Therapist´s Library Part II

So here we are, with the second part of our blog post series of book recommendations. In this series I recommend books that I have read or that colleagues and friends have recommended to me, books that make a difference either in our professional or personal life! So...

How To Maintain Good Health In Winter Season

Although we have noticed that days have become longer and we have a little bit more sunlight, the last days have reminded us that we are in the middle of the winter season, with the sudden drop of temperature, rain and even some snow! What I am getting at with this,...

Your Wellness Resolution 2018

Today we find ourselves at the start of a NEW YEAR. This means that we have been given yet another chance to begin with New Wellness Resolutions to improve our life! All of us at Massage Around the World have made our own Wellness Resolution for this New Year, and we...

Wellness Tips For Autumn

It is almost a month since we have entered a new season in some parts of the hemisphere. However, we are really experimenting that Autumn is here only the last few days, as the temperature has dropped and we can see the colorful leaves covering the parks and gardens. ...